
Do you love to spend time in the great outdoors during the beautiful summer months? Perhaps, you’re planning to visit a nearby scenic beach or park soon. Consider packing a picnic basket filled with delicious foods to take with you. Some tasty options to prepare for your outdoor meal include fried chicken, potato salad, biscuits, and chocolate cake. If you’re a health conscious eater, you might rather pack your picnic basket with tuna salad, hummus, baked pita chips, and fresh fruit such as blueberries and strawberries. On this blog, I hope you will discover additional scrumptious foods to enjoy while dining outdoors this summer.


Supplies & Equipment To Consider For A Restaurant

8 March 2018
Food & Cooking, Blog

Do you have a passion for cooking and was able to create a few dishes that people always request to buy? Turning your passion into a reliable income might be possible if you consider opening a restaurant. Depending on the size of the restaurant, you might need to hire a few employees to assist with serving customers. Getting a capital loan is ideal to get started, such as for purchasing equipment and supplies for the restaurant.
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Get Organized: How To Get Rid Of The Clutter And Save More Space In Your Kitchen

10 October 2017
 Categories: Food & Cooking, Blog

Has your kitchen become a room full of clutter? You may have pans, utensils, and assorted food products all over the place. If you can't stand the disorganization and you want to tackle the clutter directly, there are some simple and effective organization tips you should try. By getting rid of the clutter and organizing the items in your kitchen, you may be able to find things a lot easier and keep pests at bay.
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3 Tips For Planning A Memorable Catered Corporate Event

7 September 2017
 Categories: Food & Cooking, Blog

If you work in an industry where corporate dinners are commonplace, you're probably familiar with the phrase, "rubber chicken circuit" – a disparaging descriptor of a parade of similar corporate events with boring menus. When it's your turn to plan an event, you want to avoid your dinner becoming just another rubber chicken dinner. Take a look at some tips that will help you plan a memorable and enjoyable catered event that sure to impress your clients and superiors:
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Three Third Date Ideas That You Need To Know About

3 September 2017
 Categories: Food & Cooking, Blog

First dates are relatively easy to plan -- all you really need to do is arrange to have a meal at a nice restaurant. However, once you've gone on a couple of dates and both parties seem amenable to pursuing further interaction, planning something nice can be a little more complex. Going to a concert or spending the evening in a crowded, noisy club are bad ideas because they don't allow room for conversation, and going out for another upscale dinner will probably be just a repeat of your first two dates.
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Tips To Make Perfect Sugar Cookies

6 August 2017
 Categories: Food & Cooking, Blog

Sugar cookies can be a delicious treat that is fairly easy to make. While these cookies are far from being difficult to bake, there are some tips that can help you to ensure that your next batch of sugar cookies avoid some commonly encountered problems that could severely impact the taste or texture of your cookies. Allow The Butter To Slightly Soften Before you start the process following your recipes and mixing your sugar cookie dough, you will want to take the butter out of the refrigerator and set it on the counter for at least several minutes.
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About Me
Food for a Summer Picnic

Do you love to spend time in the great outdoors during the beautiful summer months? Perhaps, you’re planning to visit a nearby scenic beach or park soon. Consider packing a picnic basket filled with delicious foods to take with you. Some tasty options to prepare for your outdoor meal include fried chicken, potato salad, biscuits, and chocolate cake. If you’re a health conscious eater, you might rather pack your picnic basket with tuna salad, hummus, baked pita chips, and fresh fruit such as blueberries and strawberries. On this blog, I hope you will discover additional scrumptious foods to enjoy while dining outdoors this summer.
